Rurouni Kenshin takes place during the Meiji Era of Japan, or the late-1800s of Japan. The story revolves around Kenshin, a wanderer who used to be the legendary manslayer during the revolution ten years ago. During that time he slew many people to create the new era, but afterwards took up a reverse blade sword to represent his vow to never kill again.
Rurouni Kenshin has a total of 95 episodes. There is one main story with sub-stories or arcs that bring about the main plot. There are a lot of characters and a lot of time is spent on the interaction between Kenshin and the people he becomes involved with. Some are ghosts of his past and others are the ones he now protects with his reverse blade sword.
For an anime involving swords, there needs to be action sequences that interest the watcher. Rurouni Kenshin shines in that aspect. Most of the battles were very captivating and original, upto the Kyoto Story arc.
This brings us to the major fault with this series. It seems that the anime just went on until it hit 95 episodes. After the aforementioned arc, the plot seemed drawn out and the action started to get a little repetitive.
This by no means makes the series any less amazing. It has memorable characters, a captivating story line, a colorful art style, exciting battle sequences , and excellent musical scores. The series is still popular despite the fact that it aired in 1997. So, if you haven't seen it yet, give it a try. I guarantee that you will enjoy it.